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Lack Of Action


Biden for President


Election Advertisements


Central Florida Honda dealers. Roger and I decided that we wanted to move to the villages, were ready to retire. We were both 60. He was in the military. I had the business for 10 years. My husband and I are both concerned about the virus and catching it. I know other people have things a lot worse, but we feel trapped here because we can't go to be with ones that we love. My husband and I have been gifted with two beautiful grandchildren way try to see them as often as possible, and it's been six months and it's way too long. And while I don't blame Donald Trump for the virus, I blame him for his lack of action. And because of that, we're sitting here zooming or face timing with our grandchildren instead of hugging and kissing them. And that's hard. Joe Biden knows that every moment is precious. I trust you Biden to get this virus under control. I'm Joe Biden and I
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