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Burn Pits


Biden for President


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Childhood dream because my dad served, I enlisted when I was 17 years of age, I served seven years active duty and I was exposed to toxic burm pits in Iraq. I always have health problems because of when I got home, I couldn't get the health care I needed. It was a difficult road, not only for me but for my family, for my wife, having to watch the father of my Children plagued with these horrible diseases. It's been heart wrenching so many people turn their backs on us. The government and congress that changed when Joe Biden was elected. He's a military father. He saw us and he got something done for us. President Biden signed legislation yesterday, expanding medical care for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits. The Pact Act, the most significant expansion of veterans health care and benefits in more than 30 years is now law president Biden. He kicked his word to veterans. I'm proud of my service and I'm proud of my president. I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message to finally lose eight
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