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Paycheck To Paycheck


Kelly for AZ Senate


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Grow up in a house where money was tight and the bills piled up hard to understand what Arizona families are going through right now. I remember my mom sitting at our kitchen table, all these papers scattered around and she was having to make decisions about what bill to pay. We're always making choices about what we could do, what we could purchase, what bills could be paid. And that's when you come to this realization that your family is living paycheck to paycheck. So I started working as soon as I could first delivering newspapers and then cleaning floors at the local dairy queen. So yeah, we didn't have much, but my parents taught us how to work hard and that served me my entire life from the Merchant Marine Academy to flying in combat in the Navy and commanding the space shuttle. I know Arizona families are working hard to get by right now and that's why I won't give up on getting our economy back on track and lowering everyday costs because too many politicians in Washington have no idea what it's like to wait for that next paycheck. I'm Mark kelly and I approve this message at all.
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